Do You Need A Sexual Harrassment Attorney?

When you are caught off guard by a sexual proposition at work or an uncomfortable sexual innuendo at a company event, you may have no idea what to do next. The idea of calling a lawyer may feel scary. After all, how do you know when to make waves? When is the right time to contact a sexual harassment attorney? This guide will answer some of your questions about sexual harassment.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

When somebody directs sexual advances or requests for sexual favors toward you, they are participating in sexual harassment. Harassment may be verbal or physical in nature, and they are often offensive in nature. They can also be more insidious and subtle.

Should You See a Lawyer Before You Report Sexual Harassment?

The first thing you need to do after you experience sexual harassment is learn how to protect your own rights. One of the first things you need to do is report sexual harassment to a manager or human resources. If the individual who harassed you is a manager, you may not have to report such harassment to the manager. For this reason, it is smart that you speak with an attorney first. Your lawyer can help you develop a plan of action with which you can approach the situation.

What Can a Lawyer Do For You?

One of the first things your sexual harassment attorney does for you is answer your questions. For example, you may wonder whether the situation you experienced is a form of sexual harassment according to federal and state laws. Your attorney can also tell you how to respond to harassment while you await further instructions, as well as who to report harassment to. An attorney also helps you determine how you can protect yourself against harassment in the future and how to look for evidence of retaliation.

Your attorney helps you with a number of other things, too. For example, he or she will help you document harassment. They also prepare you to deal with harassment and monitor the response of your employer to the harassment complaints. Your employer is supposed to investigate claims of sexual harassment, and failure to do so could mean that you have a strong case against your employer.

And of course, your lawyer also helps you when it is time to file a lawsuit. You need to make your case in court with evidence, and a professional sexual harassment attorney helps you do this.
